Dear Crush,
I'm not really sure that I like you. But that's not the point. This letter is to my crush. And my favorite thing about crushes is that they don't have to mean anything. They're just fun.
So anyways, I just wanted you to know that I admire you. The fact that you aren't just doing what everyone else is doing is really awesome. I love that you love God and aren't afraid to show it. I like your haircut, and I usually hate when boys get haircuts, so that's saying something. I like that you're kind of nerdy, but still confident with who you are. I like that you laugh at what I say but not when it's not funny. I like that when I use some ridiculous new phrase or word, you tell me that you don't know what it means instead of just pretending that you do to look cool. I like that you're friends with my friends. I like that you're tallish and cute.
Thanks for being a good guy. I usually only crush on guys that are bad for me, but you being a good guy makes my friends happy. And when they're happy, I'm happy. You make me happy. I don't expect anything to come out of having a crush on you, but I think this may be a new start for me. Thanks for being you.
Stephanie, Carrie's friend.
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